Olana Zoom Seminar: Re-Presenting Landscape: The Paintings of Lydia Rubio

26/03/2024/by Lydia Rubio

“All Night Long We Heard Birds Passing” – Reinstallation at Port of Miami, 2023

27/07/2023/by Lydia Rubio

Journal: New York – Bogota 2023

18/04/2023/by Lydia Rubio

LOT 24 – In Conversation with Lydia Rubio

30/01/2023/by Lydia Rubio

Exhibition Video – Making Marks from Hudson to Patagonia

19/01/2023/by Lydia Rubio

Rubio uses Architecture Degree to become World-Renowned Artist

17/01/2023/by Lydia Rubio

Artists Stand 4 Ukraine, Benefit auction May 21 to June 30th 2022

18/05/2022/by Lydia Rubio

Constellations, 2021 Exhibition Catalog

08/05/2022/by Lydia Rubio

IMPERMANENT at NADA x Foreland, Catskill NY August 28, 29 2021

23/08/2021/by Lydia Rubio

Constellations at Elevated Matter, Hudson NY

23/08/2021/by Lydia Rubio

PROHIBIDO Catalog 2021

23/08/2021/by Lydia Rubio

Lydia Rubio Featured in Hudson Connection

03/08/2021/by Lydia Rubio

Scenic Hudson featured works in Viewfinder

09/06/2021/by Lydia Rubio

Letters to Hudson, 7 Letters to 7 Birds

18/11/2020/by Lydia Rubio

Tree of Life Individual Artist Award 7.2020

07/08/2020/by Lydia Rubio

Interview with Victoria Jorgensen, Creative Pinellas

23/05/2020/by Lydia Rubio

PBS WMHT AHA, A house for the arts: Lydia Rubio

23/04/2020/by Lydia Rubio

Artists transition to web based galleries, Hudson Valley 360

18/04/2020/by Lydia Rubio

Tarnished Nature, Erasable Art. Performance Video 2019

02/12/2019/by Lydia Rubio

The Alphabet Book at the LnS Gallery Miami Fl

14/11/2019/by Lydia Rubio

Open Studio Hudson

27/09/2019/by Lydia Rubio

The Traveling Artist: Journals by Lydia Rubio

26/09/2019/by Lydia Rubio

The Protest Art Show, review by Sandy Moore

17/09/2019/by Lydia Rubio

Tarnished Nature, Erasable Art. Review

14/09/2019/by Lydia Rubio

TSL Protest Art Show 2019

30/08/2019/by Lydia Rubio

Spheres of Meaning, an exhibition of Miami artists’ books

07/06/2019/by Lydia Rubio

Hudson NY Public Radio Interview 2019

03/03/2019/by Lydia Rubio

Alphabet of Gestures Video, 2018

19/11/2018/by Lydia Rubio

The Ellies Award, 2018

03/11/2018/by Lydia Rubio

Dislexia Geografica Exhibition, 2018

02/11/2018/by Lydia Rubio

Seeking Silence, 2018

02/09/2018/by Lydia Rubio

Constellations and Alphabets, Interview by F. Birbragher, 2017

14/04/2017/by Lydia Rubio

Indulge Magazine, Art Basel issue 2016

28/11/2016/by Lydia Rubio

Lydia Rubio: Alphabet of Gestures

05/01/2016/by Lydia Rubio

Subjective Atlas of Colombia Exhibition, 2015

30/01/2015/by Lydia Rubio

GENIUS LOCI – LA SABANA Lydia Rubio 2014 TV Interview

10/10/2014/by Lydia Rubio

Video of public interaction with painting at Sincronia, Bogota Colombia 2015

08/10/2014/by Lydia Rubio

Vamp and Tramp booksellers features Bouganvillea

03/10/2014/by Lydia Rubio

A nice entry

24/08/2014/by Lydia Rubio

Video of Mural at Chanoud Garh, India. February 2014

18/07/2014/by Lydia Rubio

Videos of Genius Loci: La Sabana, 2014

17/07/2014/by Lydia Rubio

Peru Travel Journal

18/09/2013/by Lydia Rubio

Sincronía 2012

13/10/2012/by Lydia Rubio

Identity Papers, 2010

15/03/2010/by Lydia Rubio

Video of “The Gates of Earth” RDUA Airport, NC 2008

02/08/2008/by Lydia Rubio

Video of Lot 24 and AIRTALK in Disclosures Exhibition, 2007

02/08/2007/by Lydia Rubio

Books as Works of Art, 2007

15/03/2007/by Lydia Rubio

Lydia Rubio Port of Miami Video of “All Night Long We Heard Birds Passing” 2002

02/08/2002/by Lydia Rubio

Written on Water Catalog Essay by John Yau, 1995

28/03/1995/by Lydia Rubio

Harvard Graduate School of Design Magazine, Interview 1994

31/05/1994/by Lydia Rubio