The Artful Book exhibition. Cover handmade by artist 16 x 11 inches, wood panels and linen.

Alphabet Series Keynote presentation   Click here  images and PDF of the book “Alphabet of Invisible Islands” 1998 and the boxes associated with it. Exhibition curated by Barbara Young November 2 to January 4th 2019. Visit


Opening October 3 – 14
Artist talk December 5th

Journals of Cuba, India and Patagonia. See complete journals videos here.

The Traveling Artist: Journals by Lydia Rubio

This exhibition features artistic documentation of artist Lydia Rubio’s travel narratives across linguistic and geographic landscapes. A multiple series of work including, The Genius Loci Book ( Colombia ), Journal of a Trip to the Island ( Cuba ), and Travel Journals from India, Patagonia, Geneva, and Morocco. The works record the artist’s experiences across a variety of calligraphic, drawing and poetic compositions.

Quotes on books 

Adriana Herrera

“Lydia Rubio has succeeded in bringing into contemporary art the highest expression of the travel diary in a medium such as an artist’s book, the genesis of which takes us back to the Middle Ages.  Her books are iconic: they are exquisite and freely imaginative, much like the drawings done by copyists on margins and, at the same time, are linked to the crossings of endless territories, from real topographies of the places she has lived to immersions in the diverse times of the history of art.” 

“Lydia Rubio‘s Travel Journals are a result of an early appreciation for words and calligraphy. In the 1980s, her practice began to incorporate her fascination with to poets, the act of drawing, the life behind lines and gestures, and the sensual qualities of paper into the medium of the artist’s book. For Rubio, these books are the field where a free stream of thoughts meets the planner of strategist.”

“Lydia Rubio’s Travel Journals are an artistic documentation of the artist’s travel narratives across linguistic and geographic landscapes. The works record the artist’s experiences across a variety of calligraphic, drawing and poetic compositions. This exhibition includes multiple series of work including The Genius Loci Book, Journal of a Trip to the Island, and Travel Journals.”

“The Genius Loci Book 2014, documents the artist trips in Colombia during her extended residence, with notes, maps, watercolors and quotes from A Von Humboldt, Frederick Church, Goethe about landscape and art. The Journal of a Trip to the Island documents the artist’s trip to Cuba in 1999 and contains the studies for works that were later executed after returning to the studio. The works represent her reaction against the extremely visual and verbal turbulence within today’s world. Of them, Rubio says, “in them, I look for refuge, retreat into self, silence.” Continuing this work today, her studio practice is an ongoing investigation of nature and representation in painting: imagined or perceived, the abstract or the real simulated.”

Spheres of Meaning, an exhibition of Miami artists’ books, just opened at the Frost Art Museum curated by Amy Galpin and runs until August 25.

On View:
Saturday, June 8, 2019 — Sunday, August 25, 2019

Curated By:
Amy Galpin, Ph.D., Chief Curator

Spheres of Meaning: An Exhibition of Artists’ Books presents a range of artists’ books from manipulated texts to new narrative forms and books presented as sculpture. These “spheres” present philosophical inquiries, personal reflections, and ruminations on complex and often related notions such as nurture and nature. Moreover, this exhibition celebrates the rich and varied talent of artists living in Miami or artists who once called the city home, but whose books remain tied to the cultural fabric of this dynamic place.

The exhibition includes works by Margarita Cano, Lydia Rubio, Diego Gutierrez, Purvis Young, Carlos Maciá, Jeannette Stargala, Rosemarie Chiarlone, Lisa Haque, Rafael Domenech, Donna Ruff, and Carol Todaro, among others. At times delicate and intuitive, artists’ books inspire close-looking. For some of the artists in the exhibition, making books is a primary creative form, while for others, artists’ books serve as one of many media in which they engage. The books on view present eclectic interpretations on the book from the ethereal to the deconstructed and poignant reflections on autobiographical experiences.

This exhibition was made possible in part through the generous support of Oolite Arts.


Genius Loci: La Sabana, Exhibition at La Localidad, Bogota CO. Curated and with an essay by Eduardo Serrano

A reinterpretation of the landscape of the Bogota Sabana, in 28 oils, a large format accordion travel journal with drawings and texts on landscape, and 18 watercolors and ink drawings. Landscape, geometry, numbers and words combined in polyptychs with a detailed technique and naturalistic emphasis. An appropriation of the sabana, making visible the invisible.


Travel journal with maps, quotes, drawings about the landscape of the sabana. 50 cm x 500 cm handmade accordion book

Genius Loci, a travel journal of drawings, quotes, and maps. Accordion book. Watercolor and ink on paper, 50cm x 500 cmOil on panel poliptych of 6 pieces horizontal installation 150 cm x 250 cm


Polyptych SABANA , oil on panel 6 pieces, horizontal installation 150 cm x 250 cm